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Summertime in the Midwest

At the Point in Hyde Park with the Chicago skyline behind us

We just returned from an epic 4 week journey where we traversed 12 states, saw numerous friends and family, and explored different habitats and Midwest cities (Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Pittsburgh). We splashed on the beaches of Lake Michigan, climbed sand dunes, played at numerous Chicago parks, celebrated David's bday on his family farm, ate ice cream whenever we could, watched a Brewer's baseball game in a Box suite, and had more hugs than we could count.

We felt so much love as we reconnected to friends we hadn’t seen since before the pandemic and family we don’t get to hang out with often enough. Everyone fed us so well and took time out of their busy schedules to help us have a wonderful time. Fay got to play with new and old friends and cousins she doesn't see frequently. It was a lovely but action packed trip and we were happy to get home and sleep in our own beds.

Here are some highlights from our Traveling Trio road trip (plus Nia- who behaved better than we expected and only tried to attack a few people). There are so many pictures and memories to share but it'd be an incredibly long blog post so he's a brief snippet.

Fay and Nia living their best lives at the beach in Dune Acres on Lake Michigan

Hanging at David's family farm with cousins, siblings, parents, and dogs. It was a fun way to celebrate D getting older!

We got married on the deck we're sitting on 9 years ago and it's still standing

Fay riding her "horse"

Brewers Game with David's sister, Laura, and family. It was an exciting game against the Reds.

Making Smores on the beach with our good friends, Deb and Ezra, who we got to celebrate turning 7

Found the best Cookie spot in Detroit= so delicious ;)

Great views of Pittsburgh

Fay hung at the Pittsburgh Children's museum there which was incredibly fun and creative

We even went to the Andy Warhol museum- a very cool tribute to a unique artist

Car life- heading back to Columbia

Next stops: NYC next Thursday (AHHH only a week away!). We'll be visiting a good friend of David's in Brooklyn before we head to Hanoi. We officially leave for Hanoi, Vietnam on Mon. August 14 from New York and our Asia adventure begins! Stay TUNED!

*If you'd like to stay in touch, you can contact me via this blog, my email address, or What's App. All should work if we have internet! If not, stay tuned to my Blog updates and I'll get in touch when I service.

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